Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Snippets

Today I decided to join in with Tinnigirl and post some snippets of our weekend.  These are all courtesy of my new iphone which I am loving.

Sunday Snippets 

My delicious breakfast on Saturday morning.

Sunday Snippets 

Some wedding crafting....

Sunday Snippets 

More wedding crafting.

Sunday Snippets 

Corey and Clarence with the freaky saw dude at Movie World Fright Night

Sunday Snippets 

Corey sharing a coke with Dan

Sunday Snippets 

Chillaxing at the farmers markets

Sunday Snippets 

Corey totally spanking me at Words With Friends

Sunday Snippets

Little miss cola bear.

What did you guys get up to this weekend?  I hope it was nice and relaxing for you all.  


  1. That breakfast looks delicious! :) We've mostly had a lazy weekend, but I have some uni work to do today :( I'd much rather be knitting or sewing!
    Ashley x

  2. Iphones are so awesome, aren't they? I don't know where we'd be without them now!

  3. Holy guacamole - I've just noticed that I wasn't following. No idea how THAT happened but I'm back on board now! Let's play words together - I'm MisfitSarah. Also, poached eggs? Fave breakfast EVER!

    Sarah xxx

  4. Looks like a busy weekend! Be sure to download the free camera apps for your new phone! Such fun!


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