Monday, December 10, 2012

2 Months

Imogen 2 Months

Yesterday Miss Imogen was 2 months old.  I honestly can't believe she has been here for two months already.  The time is flying by!  Especially with Christmas just around the corner it feels like the days are just disappearing.  We truly are very lucky with our little munchkin.  She is pretty happy and cheery 90% of the time.  She usually sleeps very well during the day but when we are out she likes to be a part of things so she fights sleep.  She is a social butterfly!  She has also been sleeping through the night for the past two weeks.  She goes to bed at 7pm and I feed her at 10pm and she has consistently been sleeping through till 6:30am-7am.  It's been a godsend.  It is amazing how much more normal you feel when you get a full nights sleep.  The funniest part of this past month is that she has started to "talk" and giggle and smile.  When she is in her bouncer she has full on conversations with the animals that hang on it.  It's so funny to watch. I wish I knew what was going on in her little mind.

I am really excited for Imogen's first Christmas.  This weekend we are going to attempt to get photos with santa.  Fingers crossed that she doesn't freak out too much.  I may have to just jump in the photo with her.  We are also hopefully going to head out to see the Christmas lights this weekend but it depends on the weather.

Have you been to get santa photos yet?  How did your little ones go?


  1. Oh. my. goodness. Look at that little belly! She is too cute. And I really hope I get as lucky. Sleeping through the night!

  2. She's so cute!

    We haven't been to Santa yet, we'll probably do it next weekend though. We wrote our letters this weekend, the kids love doing that!

  3. Oh Kat, she's just adorable! I really want to give her a big squeeze, I know that sounds odd, but that's how cute she is!!!

  4. gosh she is getting big now!

    Santa photos done - I jumped into the photo with Miss 5, while this year she was probably old enough to sit by herself, I like our little tradition of us both in the photo :)

  5. she is adorable !! my boys are 6 and 3 and I can tell you they just keep getting better and better and i'm more in love with them each year x

  6. Two months! She's growing so well, and I think her skin is getting darker and she's looking so much like you!

    We were just in Hobart and found ourselves in the right spot at the right time for Santa photos, no queue and a lovely Santa... Husbie and I of course had to be in the photo as well as Baby Darling. We're big kids at heart! xoxo


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